bruce springsteen

Worlds Apart – Bruce Springsteen

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto
(Votos: 1)

Te invitamos a disfrutar de la que para nosotros es la mejor canción de Bruce Springsteen y una de las mayores joyas del folk rock. WORLDS APART es una canción inmensa, tremenda, soberbia e injustamente infravalorada. Disfrutemos de esta joya de Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band – WORLDS APART interpretada en Barcelona en 2002. ¡No hay palabras!


I hold you in my arms, yeah that’s when it starts
I seek faith in your kiss and comfort in your heart
I taste the seed upon your lips, lay my tongue upon your scars
But when I look into your eyes we stand worlds apart

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Where the distant oceans sing and rise to the plain
In this dry and troubled country your beauty remains
Down from the mountain road where the highway rolls to dark
‘Neath Allah’s blessed rain we remain worlds apart

Sometimes the truth just ain’t enough
Or is it too much in times like this
Let’s throw the truth away we’ll find it in this kiss
In your skin upon my skin in the beating of our hearts
May the living let us in before the dead tear us apart

We’ll let blood build a bridge over mountains draped in stars
I’ll meet you on the ridge between these worlds apart
We’ve got this moment now to live then it’s all just dust and dark
Let’s let love give what it gives
Let’s let love give what it gives

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Celta Digital

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(Votos: 1)

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